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© Luisa Köllner

Do I need a timetable in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv)?

The timetable for students is created when you register on the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) and save courses for yourself using the "Save" symbol in the detail-view of a course. It is more than just a practical overview of the courses you want to attend in a semester:

As soon as you register on the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) and add a course to your timetable, the system "knows" that you want to attend this course. You will be listed on the attendance list, which is displayed to the teaching staff, instructors, lectures in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) and which is the basis for the report of your examinations at the end of the semester.

If you have entered your e-mail address in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv), you will also be included in the course's electronic mailing list(s), which teaching staff and examination offices often use to inform students. Only when you have a course in your timetable can you access the corresponding "learning room", where you can, for example, be provided with electronic teaching materials for the course.

For successful course organisation, it is therefore crucial for teaching staff, instructors and students that the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) timetable is well maintained and kept up to date!

Which courses are included in the timetable?

For all degree programmes at the university, the pages of the study information provides a comprehensive information portal for all degree programmes. Here you can call up your degree programme, you will find the so-called "subject-specific regulations (FsB)" for your degree programme, or you can search for individual individual Modules. Starting from there, you will find a link on the right-hand side of the menu entitled "Courses offered in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv)", which you can use to jump directly to the courses you are looking for in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv). If you are unsure about how to plan your semester, you will find contact persons for subject-specific advice in the study information for each degree programme.

In addition, in the detail-views of the individual courses in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) under "Subject assignments", you will find information on the modules for which the respective course is open.


What are compartment assignments?

In the detail-view of each course, the "compartment assignments" section displays the module or modules in which the course in question is located. The purpose of the subject assignments is to determine what purpose a specific course fulfils in a module and what type of credit is intended there (e.g: "This lecture is the basic course of subject XY, a written exam is written there").

The degree programmes to which the course belongs are not displayed here, as this would go beyond the scope of this section. Degree programmes are made up of Modules - which in turn are used in different contexts. They are like building blocks from which subjects and degree programmes are assembled. Informed students know which modules they need to build their degree programme (see the previous section "Which courses are included in the timetable?") and use the subject assignments of the courses in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) to ensure that the selected course matches the required module.

Registration for events with limited attendance

Some courses are subject to attendance restrictions. This means that including the course in the timetable is not enough, but that an additional step takes place. Faculty staff or the teaching staff, instructors, lectures of the course then assign participation statuses to the students on the participation list using the "electronic course catalogue (ekvv) participation management". This participation status can be tracked in the timetable:

  • Question mark: undefined participation status (either no places have been allocated yet or you have only added the course to the timetable after the places have been allocated)
  • Green icon: "participating" (a place has been allocated in the course)
  • red icon: "not participating" (no place could be allocated)
  • orange icon with a number: a place has been allocated on the waiting list
  • Dash: event without participation management (participation is planned without allocation of a place)

In courses with participation management activated, only students with a place in the course are included in the mailing list and can use the learning platforms.

Are you waiting to be allocated a place or do you have questions about your participation status? Please contact the teaching staff, instructors, lectures directly.

Prioritise events

If courses are restricted and there are more interested students than places in the course, it makes sense to include alternative courses in the timetable. If places are allocated in a subject, you will then be asked to indicate which of these courses are most important to you. This is done via prioritisation. You will be informed in advance (usually by email) whether place allocation procedures are taking place in your subject and when places will be allocated. If you are NOT involved in place allocation procedures, you do not have to prioritise your courses.

Prioritisation works via your electronic course catalogue (ekvv) timetable. If you are registered in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv), you will find an item 'My priorities' in the menu under the timetable views. On the following page, you can prioritise your courses.

The exact procedure is described on the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) page itself. Your prioritisation is immediately saved in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) and can therefore be used for the course allocation procedure.

Different timetable views

Different timetable views are available for registered students (see screenshot):

  • "Plan " offers a classic timetable view, "just like in school"
  • "My week " shows a detailed calendar view, which also includes individual appointments
  • "Detailed " includes all the data of the booked courses, in particular the participation status: for courses with participation management, it is shown here whether a place has been allocated; for courses without participation management, a corresponding note is displayed ("Course without participation management in electronic course catalogue (ekvv)").
  • "Short" summarises all information in a small table and is helpful for a quick overview


Hide event dates or remove events

There are two ways in which you can remove individual dates or entire events from your timetable:

  • If you do not attend a course after all, contrary to what was planned, you should definitely remove it from your timetable so that you are not on the attendance list even though the teaching staff, instructors, lectures never meet you.
  • If you do not want to or cannot attend individual dates of a course, you have the option of cancelling these individual dates in your timetable without removing the entire course.

Both to remove an event and to cancel individual dates, call up the "Detailed" timetable view in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv). There you will find the "Remove" button for each event, which you click. On the following page, you can remove the event from the timetable (via the "Remove event|Cancellation" button), hide individual dates ("Suppress display") or hide all dates ("Suppress all dates in displays").

To make the dates of an event visible again, select the same view and click the "Add all dates" button.

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